Cinebot Mini On Track

Our Most Portable Robot Yet!

The Cinebot Mini is our most compact system yet, offering up to 10 hours of battery life. It’s lightweight and portable, allowing for easier remote on-location shoots with faster setup and easy transport.

We can manually move the Cinebot Mini along track like a standard dolly with PushMoco®. This feature also lets us control the arm by hand to create motion control sequences, allowing for the freedom to experiment and express your vision on set.

  • height

    2.6 m

  • Set up time

    40 min

  • Speed at Camera

    4.7m /sec

  • Payload

    10 kg

Operating Envelope

Maximum Height2.6m
Lowest position-0m
Maximum reach (from rotate centre) 1.3m

Rig Performance

AxisRange of Travel Maximum Speeds
TrackAs required 4.7m/s
Rotate+/- 179º120 degrees per second
Lift+179º to -32º 120 degrees per second
Arm+235º to -77º 180 degrees per second
Pan+/- 189º180 degrees per second
Tilt- 34º +215º180 degrees per second
RollInfinite180 degrees per second

Rig Weights

Cinebot Mini Robot arm33
Track base37.5
Rails (1.8m each) 27
Optional Battery Unit12
Maximum camera payload10

Power Connection

Power requirements110 - 240 VAC or Optional Battery Unit 3600Wh

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